Blogging Actually / DIY & Tutorials / Motherhood/Life

»Get your DIY blog banners and wave…to this awesome bloggers!

(apologies for the re-publishing this post :-s, somehow this morphed itself and went to Drafts!!! I don’t even know why… any who, if you’re interested for your banner to be featured below, let me know, so I can add it to this post. :-))

What can I say? DIY has now become my ‘cuppa tea’. So when I called out the other week about whether you guys would like to be featured in my next post, these lovely bloggers stepped up and said  ‘yes, a cuppa please’. 😉

But as much as I would like to broaden my DIY capability horizon, I think in some areas,  I’m just completely hopeless. I mentioned in one of my fellow blogger’s post at Dee’s Haute Fraugalista that I’m no good when it came to sewing that my Grandma knew it, and eventually gave up teaching me. In fact, I remember before that when I tried sewing things by hand, I ended up sewing my skirt along with whatever I was trying to sew together! And while crafting seems all so nice and beautiful, and I am getting lots of ideas from the Glossyboxes transformations at Elena’s, I’ve yet to really organize my time on this, since there’s just so many things to do, but so little time. So for now, I’ll stick to blog stuff and hopefully continue to learn, and then share things with you.

Now, enough about me, and on to these DIY bloggers. These lovely banners are generated, improvised, inspired and prettified using the one and only Pixlr Express. Most of us are still learning the ins and outs of blogging, so being able to DIY our blog, definitely is an accomplishment for us. Well, this is how I always feel all the time.

Guys, I can’t thank you enough for agreeing to be featured in this post. 

So in no particular order, here they are!

P.S. I’ve included their url address and tag lines too.. or clicking the banners will take you straight to their respective blogs. So browse around, and get to know them too..

From   “where charming folks meet with sunshine & friends …”

From “The journey of a life poured out.”

From  “…. to a beautiful home.”  “Bookmarks by Karen Mesa”   “Personal Poetry That I’ve Wrtten For Family, Friends And Colleagues”  “Musings and (mis)adventures of a newcomer”  “It’s Always a Matter of Class Not Cash!”   “Adventures of a girl and her camera.”  ” A lot of beauty and a little bit of everything else”   Currently planting roots in Sardinia, Italy. By Jennifer Avventura
*Jennifer’s banners are interchangeable so at some point, you will see the banner above.
Thanks to Theresa for agreeing to be featured here.

Feeling creative?  Why not give Pixlr Express a go? 
Don’t forget to link back or share. We’d love to know.


Useful Blogging Tips:

  • Introduce your reader more to your blog by including “Related articles” at the end of each post. Download Zemanta  now and this should do the trick or click this link for further instructions:
    (Thank you Mon at, who was very eager to help me on how to do this, I’ve learned, and now I’ve shared.)
  • Can’t get enough of your DIY banners, and want to put them all? Yes, you can! Go to your Dashboard – click Appearance – on the drop down menu – click Header – where you see Upload Images – simply click Random Images . Whatever images you have in there, will interchange whenever someone clicks your site or refresh it. Cool, right? 
    (However, some themes don’t have this feature.)

25 thoughts on “»Get your DIY blog banners and wave…to this awesome bloggers!

    • Hey Dee, no problem. Loving your banner. 🙂
      I’ve actually just learned how to pingback recently to be honest, and it’s actually quite easy.
      When you link someone, it’s best to pick a certain post they’ve written and use that url as a link back. Then that blogger we’ll get a notification that they’ve been ‘ping-ed back’. I’ve done that to your latest post I believe. give it a go next time. 🙂

  1. Thank you, again, for the DIY blog banner and this wonderful follow up…all the contributors did a fab job!! *clap-clap*

    AJ’s Mom, you are simply charming and great jellybean/blog promoter! Yay!!

    • Hey there Jen! I always love to play in banner land, as you say. It’s just so good to see how you guys are able to put your personal touch into these banners. Happy creating at banner land!

    • Hey there Leslie! It’s a pleasure having your banner featured in my post. And thank you very much for passing the tutorial to your friends. I hope they’ll find it useful too. I really love how you’ve done your banner.

  2. Pingback: Glory, Glory, Bannerlujah « House on the Way

  3. Pingback: Calling all DIY bloggers… this post is for you. « Sweetjellybean/Blogging, with Love.

  4. Hey Donah! Thanks again for being so generous. I’m glad I played around with the program a little. Don’t know if I would have had the courage to jump in without you making it look so easy. Thanks for featuring my banner. Keep up the great work here at sweetjellybean.

    • Hey there! It’s my pleasure of being able to feature you in my post. I’m just glad you agreed to it. It’s been really cool being able to know more bloggers and everyone has been really nice. I have a couple of things to share with you guys, but perhaps after I’ve finalized my blog’s theme. I’m doing a little bit of blog’s facelift. 😉 Let me know what you think.

  5. Pingback: DIY Monday: How to…5 Easy Steps To Make Your Own Blog Header! Give it a go! « Sweetjellybean/Blogging, with Love.

  6. Thanks for putting up my banner with the rest of awesome ones! As for your DIY, have you checked out They’ve got loads of stuff to try out 🙂

    • My pleasure Devina. It was great that I could include you in my post. I do have Pinterest but it’s been a while that I’ve not checked anything there. Thanks for the info. 😉
      Are you into DIY too?

      • No problemo 🙂 Nah, I haven’t even tried my had at DIY but those pins look so good my hand itches to give something a go. Sometimes I don’t have the materials required for the projects I want to do but over all I haven’t put much effort into it. I suppose I’m not patient enough 😉

  7. Thanks so much for putting my banner up there. As happy as I am for your help, I’m happier that I’ve gotten to know you a little bit. It’s been fun sharing stories!

    • You’re more than welcome Karen. It’s a pleasure being able to feature you in my post along with others. It’s been great having to meet you guys here – especially a fellow Mom like you. Keep sharing!

  8. Pingback: DIY Friday: From a button’s point of view… and how to… « Sweetjellybean/Blogging, with Love.

  9. wow, this was so helpful! i’ve always wondered how people got those fancy banners and this answered that for me! i just put together the first for my site, but i think i’m going to try and tinker with it or come up with something completely different in the future. thanks so much!!

    • Hi there! I am very glad you think so. I just checked your site and for a first banner, you’ve definitely done a good job already! With my first banner before, I wasn’t able to use the patter or layout you used since I didn’t even know how to, I just got stuck with plain ‘ol white background. You’re welcome. The more banners, the merrier. 🙂

  10. Pingback: Glory, Glory, Bannerlujah « House on the Way

  11. Pingback: Glory, Glory, Bannerlujah - House on the Way

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