Blogging Actually

Smile, You’re the Sweetest.

Happy Monday everyone! Hope you all have a great weekend! I thought I’d start this week here on my blog with something sweet.

Little bean and I woke up better today after being struck by this stomach bug that’s been going around the county. With lots of rest over the weekend, we’re able to recover! Yay! And no bug or virus could stop me from blogging, I can tell you that much!

So let’s take it easy today and allow me to share with you a few of the sweetest beans that have brought a big smile to my face! (and tears of joy at that!)

Thank you for the lovely sweet surprise!

The doorbell rang and it was my postman letting me know I have a little something in my post box, I wasn’t expecting anything so I was curious what it was. And then…. I found this!

Don’t forget to check out her lovely blog at The Charmed Cupcake! You don’t want to miss the yummylicious posts over there!

My sweet friend ‘Cupcake’ Ange sent me these Chitter Chatter Charms! I didn’t even know she was sending this to me! I was overjoyed and could not stop smiling from ear to ear when I saw all the little personalized beads! Don’t they look all so cute??

Thank you Cupcake!

And two weeks later, I got a message from another friend of mine Liss, the blogger behind, that she got something for me, but it’s only a little something. Aww, it’s not even my birthday yet or Christmas but she thoughtfully sent me a gift! And boy was I in for a pretty sweet surprise this time! When I got home, it was there waiting for me!

All smiles once again! I now feel like a beauty bean!

Make sure you visit Liss’s Latino Look blog to get the latest scope on beauty and nails collection!

And of course, to top it all off, my other half (my bestfriend of many years and a great blog mentor) visited from the Big Apple last week! But that’s not all, he had a surprise for me waiting inside a converse carrier bag!

I had tears in my eyes when I finally saw what was in there … I have never imagined that he went through lengths to have this wonderful sweatshirt made for me! And I asked him why?( I know it’s a silly question) and he said, because he wanted to let me know that he supports me and my blog!

Just check out the back as well!

And here’s something I’ve been meaning to share with you all (but was a little bit shy).

Hoping that we could be together sooner than later. This time, making memories together in the Big Apple with our little bean!

Thank you my sweet readers for letting me share some of the treasured moments here on my blog! Have a good start of your week! Stay tuned for a sneak peek of the prize for the Lucky Bean giveaway!

34 thoughts on “Smile, You’re the Sweetest.

  1. Ooh congrats! What a lovely ring! And what lovely surprises in the post! I love it when something unexpected arrives on my doorstep! It is my 21st birthday in a couple of weeks so I am looking forward to some surprises arriving from the postie! I don’t think the poor postman feels the same though when he has to lug all of the parcels around! Hehe

  2. Aw so many great surprises! I especially love the ring! Congratulations! So happy for you and all your great surprises. You and your little bean deserve all of,the happiness in the world.

  3. Pingback: Sneak Peek of 2013 + Short & Sweet Recap of 2012 | Beauty, Blog Tweaks

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